Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
The Deadliest Animal in the World
Can you guess which are the deadliest animals on the planet?
Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
Can you guess which are the deadliest animals on the planet?
This is all the precious water, covering 70 percent of Earth’s surface.
Watch in this video Bill Nye explaining, what would happen if all the ice melted on Earth?
Day and night on this little planet, look a lot like day and night on planet Earth. Image credit György Soponyai
This interactive map shows how animals will migrate globally, in response to climate change.
This impressive time-lapse video taken from the Space Station on Aug. 30, shows three hurricanes…
This week, two Pacific storms are lining up to hit the island of Hawaii, which rarely takes a direct hit from a hurricane.
Usually, borders exist where there is a river, a mountain range or some other geographical feature. But sometimes they look pretty strange on a map…
Exploring aurora, the Northern Lights, in Iceland with a drone, flying over epic landscape in Reykjanes Peninsula…
Watch this incredible smart seagull playing three cups game…