wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
‘The Arctic Ocean is Dying’
‘The Arctic Ocean is Dying.’ This is the conclusion of the history’s biggest Arctic science expedition.
wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
‘The Arctic Ocean is Dying.’ This is the conclusion of the history’s biggest Arctic science expedition.
A new type of plastic made of reclaimed waste readily degrades in less than 12 months.
The journey of humanity, beginning tens of thousands of years ago, leading into the revolution of agriculture, to ancient high civilizations…
The ozone hole over the Antarctic that was first spotted in 1985, is one of the largest of recent years.
Climate Change is just too much. There is never any good news. Only graphs that get more and more red and angry…
Decomposer, a floating building that could move continuously with ocean currents, to collect trash and turn it into other harmless materials as it travels.
In September 2020, historic wildfires on the U.S. West Coast lofted plumes of smoke high into the atmosphere.
An international effort by more than 60 ice, ocean, and atmosphere scientists has generated new estimates of how much of an impact Earth’s melting ice sheets, could
For the 2nd time in history, satellite image shows 5 Cyclones in the Atlantic Ocean at the same time.
Picture this, you’re having a nice, relaxing walk on a private beach without a care in the world. All of a sudden, your foot drops into a