Elon Musk- the Scientist behind the CEO
This video takes a look at how Elon Musk sees the world through a scientific and engineering mind – and how this fuels the businesses
First ever direct Observation of an Exoplanet
Astronomers using the GRAVITY instrument at the VLT telescopes in Chile have now obtained the first direct confirmation of an exoplanet, the β Pictoris c,
Mercedes-Benz eScooter
Mercedes-Benz presents the two-wheel smart escooter, with its unconventional design based on a sophisticated ergonomic concept.
Supersonic XB-1 unveiled in its fully assembled form
The supersonic XB-1 unveiled for the first time in its fully assembled form.
The Quickest 0-60mph cars of every Year since the 1970s
The most important measuring on a car’s performance, to give you a good indication of how powerful it is: the 0 – 60mph time!
Some Exoplanets may be better for Life than Earth
Earth is not necessarily the best planet in the universe, especially in our days.
Segway eMoped C80 smart electric scooter
Simplify your ride with the eMoped C80, the first smart eBike – scooter by Segway.
When Time Became History – The Human Era
The journey of humanity, beginning tens of thousands of years ago, leading into the revolution of agriculture, to ancient high civilizations…
MOSE Flood Barrier protecting Venice
See how the completed Mose flood barrier that now protects Venice works.
Ozone Hole over Antarctic the is the largest in recent years
The ozone hole over the Antarctic that was first spotted in 1985, is one of the largest of recent years.