Hubble captures brilliant Star Death
Hubble captures brilliant star death in “Rotten Egg” nebula
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Hubble captures brilliant star death in “Rotten Egg” nebula
7-Eleven delivers 77 packages via drone in first month.
30 million years from now, a massive cloud of gas will collide with the Milky Way.
Giant digital billboard to be installed in Hollywood, like in sci-fi movie, as a pilot project for a city-owned plaza.
This animation shows the fast evolution of star SAO 244567. It starts 10,300 BC, with the star having a radius 152 times the size of the Sun…
Like Google, Russia’s search giant Yandex, is now making a self-driving car.
Take a look at the video, how this giant yacht carrier sinks into the water to take a boat, and then rises to transport them.
The brilliant flash of an exploding star’s shockwave, is illustrated in this cartoon animation, created by NASA’s Ames Research Center…
A giant robotic lettuce factory is under construction by Japanese company Spread.
Astronomers believe there really is something weird happening around KIC 8462852 star, that’s 1480 light-years away.