TESS Spacecraft Starts Science Operations
NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite has started its search for exoplanets around nearby stars, officially beginning science operations on July 25, 2018.
New MG concept car
The New MG concept car, created by reintroducing the original design values.
Awake Ravik Electric Surfboard
Awake Ravik electric surfboard is built for superior acceleration, sharp corners and fast straights.
Officially 2017 was third-warmest Year on record
2017 was the third-warmest year recorded on our planet, behind the first 2016 and 2015.
Apple just became the First Company to be worth $1 trillion
Apple just became the first company in history to be worth $1 trillion, just 21 years after facing near-bankruptcy.
Porsche Taycan Performance figures
Porsche unveiled all the performance figures for the new full electric Taycan, previously called Mission E.
Turing multi-screen Smartphone
Turing unveiled just another handset, HubblePhone multi-screen smartphone.
What You Must Know about the Liquid Water Lake on Mars
What you must know about the liquid water lake discovered for first time on Mars…
Harley-Davidson LiveWire Electric Motorcycle
This is the Harley-Davidson LiveWire motorcycle, an authentic, iconic style and performance “that just happens to be electric.”
Trident underwater scooter
Trident underwater scooter designed to explore the underwater world.