“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to”
“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to” – NASA astronaut Andrew R. Morgan. Happy Earth Day, readers.
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“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to” – NASA astronaut Andrew R. Morgan. Happy Earth Day, readers.
Scientists find that some sperms poison their competitors to reach the egg cell first.
A new study predicts that the majority of shark species are threatened with extinction. Overfishing is the main reason.
Engineers created a 3D-printed smart gel changing shape when exposed to light, that can become color-changing ‘artificial muscle.’
A 2000 years old Fast-Food restaurant discovered in Pompeii. The place was covered by colorful frescoes on the front which preserved untill this day.
NOAA scientists using Deep Discoverer remotely operated vehicle, discovered new species of comb jelly, resembling a hot air balloon.
ESAIL microsatellite’s first map of global shipping, has captured 57 000 messages in its first 24 hours of operation.
What is geoengineering, is it really an option and what if it goes wrong? By the end of the 21st century, humanity is becoming desperate…
See how the completed Mose flood barrier that now protects Venice works.
Decomposer, a floating building that could move continuously with ocean currents, to collect trash and turn it into other harmless materials as it travels.