wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
What would happen if the Earth stopped Spinning?
Take a look what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning…
wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
Take a look what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning…
Let’s forget aliens for a while, and have a look at objects in space that we can either see and have no idea what they are or
Here are 14 survival tips that might save your life one day.
Physics suggest time should be able to go backwards as well as forwards. Experience suggests, though, that it cannot. Why?
Jovian clouds in striking shades of blue in this new breathtaking view taken by NASA’s Juno spacecraft.
Gravity. One of the most incredible physics discoveries of the century has revealed a “cosmic fingerprint” explaining the beginning of universe.
How did the ancient civilizations cut and shape such intricate stonework like we see in Egypt and Peru?
Prehistoric women was up to 16% stronger than today’s boat crews.
Scientists discuss what sort of life could be found in the eleventh dimension.
This artist’s rendering shows a star wandering too close to a 3-million-solar-mass black hole was torn apart.