wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
The Oldest known Map in Europe
Archaeologists discover the oldest known map in Europe, in France.
wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
Archaeologists discover the oldest known map in Europe, in France.
ALPHA experiment at CERN cools antimatter using laser light for the first time.
The secret of synchronization. How does order spontaneously arise out of chaos?
Enormous pieces of alien planet are buried inside Earth, after a gigantic crash, ‘millions of times larger than Mount Everest.’
World’s first 3D-printed, zero net energy communities and homes created in California.
Orbiting the nearby star Epsilon Eridani, located 10.5 light-years away, the Jupiter-mass planet in this artist’s concept, is the closest known exoplanet to our solar system.
Scientists developed a gene called USAG-1, that can regenerate lost teeth in mice and ferrets.
Are there planets that resemble ours? Kepler-1649c is now the most similar exoplanet yet found to Earth.
Silicon Valley is about to commercialize revolutionary battery technology that will enable huge breakthroughs in the battle against global warming.
Bladeless wind turbine, that vibrates to generate power, it’s not a danger to wildlife like the traditional spinning blades of the wind farms.