Earthshine from a young Crescent Moon
Also known as the Moon’s “ashen glow” or the earthshine is earthlight reflected from the Moon’s night side.
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Also known as the Moon’s “ashen glow” or the earthshine is earthlight reflected from the Moon’s night side.
This impressive visible in the night sky star, lies only 25 light-years away and is known to be orbited by at least one planet, Dagon, and several
Construction begins on world’s largest optical telescope in the Atacama desert.
The Event Horizon Telescope is an experiment performed on a global array of radio telescopes, spanning from Hawaii to Chile and from the South Pole to Arizona.
Astronomers discovered an amazing phenomenon, two galaxies colliding resemble a pair of eyelids.
Atmospheric refraction plays with the light of any object near the horizon in Atacama desert, Chile…
Astronomers find new dwarf planet in our Solar System. A new friend for Pluto.
Αstronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), revealed new type of galaxies.
A snow line has been imaged in a far-off infant planetary system for the very first time.
Scientists discovered the furthest oxygen has ever been detected, in a galaxy 13.1 billion light years away.