65m Green Expedition explorer yacht
Ned Ship Group 65m Green Expedition, is an eco-friendly explorer yacht.
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Ned Ship Group 65m Green Expedition, is an eco-friendly explorer yacht.
Also known as the Moon’s “ashen glow” or the earthshine is earthlight reflected from the Moon’s night side.
Microsoft and Facebook’s massive undersea data cable installation, supporting data speeds of 160 terabytes per second, is complete.
The full Moon on November 13, may have appeared quite similar to other one’s you’ve seen, but is the largest Supermoon in 68 years.
Earth harbors about 320 million cubic miles (1.3 billion cubic km) of water, which is nothing compared to the rest of our solar system.
This interactive global map can tell you about winds and much more, no matter your location on planet Earth.
Using a powerful lens, an astronaut captured, from the ISS, the spacecraft with the Atlas engines still firing and long tendrils of exhaust trailing back toward Cape
Spectacular breakup of WT1190F spacecraft re-entries, as seen by Airborne Astronomers that studied the approximately 1-meter piece of space debris, near Sri Lanka, over the Indian Ocean, on 2015
Plastic trash is found in 90 percent of seabirds and by 2050, that number could be as high as 95%, as global production of plastics increases.
A study based on 13 years of satellite data estimated that about 67 percent of Earth’s surface is typically covered by clouds.