New Theory of Gravity
New theory of gravity that “eliminates” the need for Dark Matter, differs from the theories of Einstein and Newton…
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New theory of gravity that “eliminates” the need for Dark Matter, differs from the theories of Einstein and Newton…
Astronomers discovered an amazing phenomenon, two galaxies colliding resemble a pair of eyelids.
A Mars ‘show home,’ created by National Geographic, on display at the Royal Observatory Greenwich today.
The full Moon on November 13, may have appeared quite similar to other one’s you’ve seen, but is the largest Supermoon in 68 years.
November 9 is the 82nd anniversary of the birth of the unique astronomer-cosmologist Carl Sagan.
A majestic view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft showcases some of the amazingly detailed structure of Saturn’s rings.
The majestic Liuzhou Suiseki Hall / TianJin University Research Institute, in Liuzhou, Guangxi, China.
In this rare image, the city of Chicago projected upside-down beneath clouds. Image credit Mark Hersch
Galactica Super Nova 70m superyacht won twice this year’s Monaco yacht show.
Elon Musk unveiled his new solar roof system along with a 14 kWh second generation Powerwall battery.