Microsoft is Testing an Underwater Data Center
Microsoft unveils Eco-friendly seabed server system, a steel capsule placed 30 feet underwater in the Pacific Ocean.
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Microsoft unveils Eco-friendly seabed server system, a steel capsule placed 30 feet underwater in the Pacific Ocean.
Take a look in the video the U.S. Navy’s 11th littoral combat ship USS Sioux City (LCS-11) side launch.
Watch what would happen if you only drank soda. The effect that pop has on your body!
When it gets really cold outside, at -25C/-13F, soap bubble mixtures freeze faster than they pop, making for some very fascinating effects! Watch the video…
The textured surface of full Moon is home to numerous identifications of iconic objects, like this facial outline commonly identified as the Man in the Moon. Image credit Dani
Captured by a security camera at a school in Tyler, Texas, a lightning bolt striking and destroying a tree. Watch the video…
Do you like to know what’s going to happen to humanity tomorrow, next year, or even a millennium from now? Well, you’re not alone. Take a look
MIT studens are the winners of Hyperloop pod design competition and are heading to California this summer to test their prototype at the world’s first Test Track.
Grand Prix Formula 1 drivers want are for a closed cockpit design by 2017, the latest.
Typhoon Haiyan Category 5 storm, one of the most powerful storms to ever hit land, left behind a trail of destruction in the Philippines. Jim Edds was