Ships in Storm videos
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Ships in Storm videos…
The 3.2-gigapixel, world’s largest digital camera, at the heart of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), approved by the Department of Energy to start construction.
Viks created this stunning carbon fiber bicycle to celebrate its second year.
Peacelet life-saving bracelet worn on the wrist, provide antidotes to venom snakebites, mushroom ingestion and bee stings.
Armed with lasers, print their own drones, holograms, defending anti-ship missiles coming from space, this how a mid-21st-century warship will look like…
VivoStick by Asus, is a $129 Windows 10 stick PC when plugged into a TV or compatible monitor.
The Mercedes-Benz S-Class Cabriolet, the first convertible S-Class since 1971, will be the world’s most luxury open-top car, with intelligent automatic climate control and automatic wind protection
Take a look at the video and images of the impressive pre-dawn launch of Atlas V carrying U.S. Navy advanced tactical communications satellite into orbit…
Plastic trash is found in 90 percent of seabirds and by 2050, that number could be as high as 95%, as global production of plastics increases.
This timelapse captured at the IJ-haven, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, during day 1 of Sail 2015, the arrival of the tall ships. Watch the timelapse…