Drone autonomously avoiding Obstacles
Self-flying drone dips, darts and dives autonomously through trees at 30 mph.
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Self-flying drone dips, darts and dives autonomously through trees at 30 mph.
A revolutionary, self-driving local delivery robot, that its progress could be followed on an app, created by Starship Technologies.
Northrop Grumman has won the $80 billion bomber contract, to build the US Air Force’s next-generation Stealth Bomber, that will replace the B-2.
The RoboBee is a miniature robot able to fly, that can also land in water, using a modified flapping technique.
An impressive phenomenon in this NASA video. A massive Black Hole shreds passing star…
The four NASA satellites of the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission just broke a record, by flying now at their smallest separation, the tightest multi-spacecraft formation ever flown in
NASA reveals new animation of enormous El Nino phenomenon forming, and California warns residents to get prepare.
Lumen flashlight doesn’t need batteries. It convert the heat of your body to produce light.
Euronews opened its brand new global headquarters, a stretched green cube pierced by two conical atria, in Lyon, France.
Skarp Laser Razor the first razor powered by a laser, for an irritation free and incredibly close shave. Is the future of shaving!