Spectacular breakup of Spacecraft re-entries
Spectacular breakup of WT1190F spacecraft re-entries, as seen by Airborne Astronomers that studied the approximately 1-meter piece of space debris, near Sri Lanka, over the Indian Ocean, on 2015
Spectacular breakup of WT1190F spacecraft re-entries, as seen by Airborne Astronomers that studied the approximately 1-meter piece of space debris, near Sri Lanka, over the Indian Ocean, on 2015
The key role in the transition of the Martian climate from an early, warm and wet environment that might have supported surface life, to the cold, arid
A meteor over Bangkok, Thailand, captured by several dashcams, entering Earth’s atmosphere and exploding over the town, on the 7th of September, 2015. Watch the meteor on
Photographer Yuri Beletsky captured an exceptionally intense, glorious Milky Way with reddish airglow flooded this Chilean winter night skyscape, just after sunset on September 1. Image
The waning crescent Moon, the stars of Orion rising above the eastern horizon and a rare red sprite, as seen from the International Space Station, on August
Scientists at JPL are studying ‘windbots’ concepts that might stay aloft for long periods in atmospheres of giant planets, like Jupiter.
A method to capture carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere, to clean the planet, also to produce ultra-low carbon fuels.
Scientists have simulated for the first time, what gravity waves look like as they ripple upward through the atmosphere. Watch the video…
For the first time, a NASA satellite has quantified in three dimensions the amounts of dust that makes a trans-Atlantic journey… How much Saharan dust feeds Amazon’s
Scientists from NASA are launching Sounding Rockets into an Aurora, to better understand the role it plays in Earth’s meteorological processes and the impact on the planet’s