Most stunning Alien Artifacts ever discovered
They might not really be from aliens or inspired, but the most stunning alien artifacts ever discovered certainly have us questioning what’s really out there…
They might not really be from aliens or inspired, but the most stunning alien artifacts ever discovered certainly have us questioning what’s really out there…
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson shares his thoughts on aliens and other life in the universe.
Alien or natural strangest signals detected from Space? Take a look at this interesting infographic…
Is aliens trying to contact Earth? Astronomers are astonished and they cannot explain this mysterious cosmic Radio Signal.
These are the the types of advanced civilizations in our Universe, according to the Kardashev Scale…
In this artist’s impression three bright red flashes depicting Fast Radio Bursts, far beyond the Milky Way, above the Mongolo radio telescope in Australia.
Tardigrades, known to be able to go for decades without food or water, more than all the animals on Earth they look like an alien.
Alien: Covenant. Introducing Walter, world’s most advanced synthetic companion, designed to help you achieve a better human experience. Watch how he is born…
If we find aliens, what do we do next? Take a look at the video…
In this short footage, visual effects studio Oblique FX shows off the stunning work they did for Denis Villeneuve’s film, Arrival…