NASA revealed Asteroid Strike preparedness plan
NASA releases Near-Earth Object preparedness plan — asteroids and comets whose orbits come within 30 million miles of Earth — known as NEOs.
NASA releases Near-Earth Object preparedness plan — asteroids and comets whose orbits come within 30 million miles of Earth — known as NEOs.
Old Comet 45P, has returned to the inner Solar System. Image credit Fritz Helmut Hemmerich
Watch the total destruction of a 1.3 million miles per hour snowball, bright comet.
The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, discovered on Sept. 13, 2015, its 3,000th comet, cementing its standing as the greatest comet finder of all time.
In this impressive image you can see Comet PanSTARRS, complete with two tails and over the trees, far in the distance, are bright Venus and an even
The Philae Europe’s comet lander woke up yesterday afternoon and contacted Earth, for the first time after 7 months.
Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 , which is now at naked-eye brightness, has been showing an exquisitely detailed ion tail.
The beautiful Comet Lovejoy C/2014 Q2 enters its best time of viewing, will glow brightest in a week’s time. Is expected be visible from ‘from light-polluted city