World’s most advanced Hydrofoil Boats
World’s most advanced hydrofoil boats fly above water. Razor-sharp hydrofoil catamarans that help them hit speeds of 60 miles an hour
World’s most advanced hydrofoil boats fly above water. Razor-sharp hydrofoil catamarans that help them hit speeds of 60 miles an hour
The moons of rogue exoplanets that don’t have stars could have water and be a good place to find life.
GE researchers developing portable device that produces water out of thin air.
Organic materials essential for life are found for the first time, on the surface of an asteroid.
New Electrolysis system that doesn’t need pure water, can get oxygen and fuel from Mars’ salty water.
Peel-off coating makes desalination tech more efficient, cleaner and greener.
NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) confirms presence of water on sunlit surfaces of the Moon, boosting exploration plans.
ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft has discovered several ponds of liquid water buried under the ice in the south polar region of Mars.
Breakthrough technology transform brackish water and seawater into safe, using the power of sunlight.
‘Artificial leaf’ concept inspires researchers to create low-cost device that splits water to produce hydrogen fuel.