The latest updates on smartphones, AI, displays, laptops and the internet.
Your Virtual Reality Doctor
Presently and in the not too distant future, virtual reality in healthcare will become the norm.
The latest updates on smartphones, AI, displays, laptops and the internet.
Presently and in the not too distant future, virtual reality in healthcare will become the norm.
Party with Friends through Virtual Reality. Oculus Rooms is a social VR app for the Gear VR headset…
A travel experience entirely in Google Maps, to celebrate its 8 years anniversary…
Is this bracelet going to replace smartwatches? Watch the video…
Look what virtual reality means. During the first-ever VR Esports live event…
Augmented Reality lets you see every detail inside cars, like never before…
Amazing detailed 3D images unveil the airflow around downhill skiers.
Here is the iPhone 10th Anniversary Edition. The very interesting iPhone 8 – ‘X’ Edition concept…
The first fully featured Virtual-Reality Anatomy App is on the market. Watch the video…
reMarkable Paper Tablet for people who prefer paper-like reading, writing and sketching with digital powers.