The most important achievements in technology.
Solar powered Transparent Batteries
Scientists from Japan unveiled a solar powered transparent lithium-ion (Li-ion) rechargeable battery.
The most important achievements in technology.
Scientists from Japan unveiled a solar powered transparent lithium-ion (Li-ion) rechargeable battery.
California’s Tri Alpha Energy company claims fusion breakthrough, by continuing progress toward a viable alternative fusion reactor.
Neil was born with achromatopsia, the inability to see colors, so a doctor implanted an antenna into his head and now he can hear colors. Watch the
An animation created by NASA in partnership with NOAA, covering the movement of plastic rubbish, the so-called ‘ocean garbage patches,’ using data collected over 35 years. Watch
A new method called G3DP, a first of its kind glass 3D-printing process, unveiled by scientists from MIT. Watch the incredible process on the video…
The Team USA needs your help to create the giant combat robot, for the Giant Robot Duel against Japan. This is how…
A new revolutionized method of drilling for geothermal energy, uses projectiles accelerated by combustion.
Watch “El Chapo” Guzman’s escape from the Mexican prison from his amazing 4,921-foot tunnel.
Tesla’s battery “Gigafactory” just started to be built, but the electric car maker is already expanding its plant’s territory.
Take a look at the video, what it takes to revive a masterwork…