The Best Picture ever taken of ISS from the Ground

This Space Station solar transit is so clear, that you can see the SpaceX Crew Dragon and the Canadarm2, from 400 kilometres away.

The pictures were taken on June 24 and 25, 2020, by astrophotographer Thierry Legault.

He told Universe Today:

“My new CFF apochromatic triplet 8″ refractor I bought 2 weeks before the shots seems to be optically very good. Focusing is critical and is always a challenge, especially nowadays because there are no sunspots. I had to focus on the solar limb, and fortunately, at the distance of the ISS, there’s no difference in focusing between the Sun and the ISS.”

The Best Picture ever taken of ISS from the Ground

The International Space Station maintains an orbit with an average altitude of 400 kilometres (250 mi).

Images screen capture from video

via universetoday