Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
What is the Fastest Animal on Earth?
The fastest animal on Earth is not a cheetah, but the peregrine falcon. This is why…
Strange and stunning happenings on our Planet.
The fastest animal on Earth is not a cheetah, but the peregrine falcon. This is why…
Several common features of the daytime sky are interacting in uncommon ways, in this picture captured in West Greece, by Alexandros Maragos.
Take a look at this amazing drone video of South Africa…
Instantaneous streamlines show the airflow around a mosquito in flight…
Tardigrades, known to be able to go for decades without food or water, more than all the animals on Earth they look like an alien.
21 different types of 130-million-year-old dinosaur footprints have been discovered on the “Australia’s Jurassic Park.”
Damian Christie captured this footage of bottlenose dolphins chasing his boat, in Marlborough Sounds, in New Zealand…
The plant Hydnora africana is a parasite that smells foul… and that’s not even the weirdest thing about it…
World’s first fluorescent frog discovered in near Santa Fe in Argentina.
Using supercomputers, scientists recreated a monstrous supercell that produced several tornadoes…