WowCube Entertainment System
The WowCube ® Entertainment System — the first-in-class immersive-reality innovative console and the gaming platform.
Making Batteries at Tesla
The key to achieve the transition to sustainable energy is terawatt-scale battery production and far more affordable battery cells.
Covid-19 deduced the US Life Expectancy by more than a Year
The coronavirus pandemic potentially generated the largest single-year decline in US life expectancy in at least 40 years.
Virgin’s LauncherOne reaches Οrbit
Virgin Orbit rocket successfully launch from beneath the Boeing 747, deliverινg small satellites.
Novitec Ferrari F8 Tributo
Making a sports car like the Ferrari F8 Tributo even faster and more exclusive is the domain of Novitec.
Wall-sized OLED displays to replace Jet Windows
Engineers are redesign business jet interior by replacing its windows with wall-sized OLED displays, to look and feel larger.
Mobile Hospital
The Mobile Hospital designed for disaster-struck areas and war-torn regions, is a complete diagnostics center and operation theater on wheels.
World’s oldest known Cave Painting
Dating back to at least 45,500 years ago, a team of Griffith University archaeologists discovered what may be the world’s oldest known cave painting, in
Sondors Metacycle
Sondors Metacycle electric motorbike designed for the adventurous, offers a fresh, carefree riding experience.
Autonomous Flight eVTOL aircraft concept
Autonomous Flight unveils six-seat luxury eVTOL tricopter air shuttle concept.