Star orbiting a supermassive black hole moves as predicted by Albert Einstein
Star orbiting a supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, moves as predicted by Albert Einstein.
Solar Cell break world records for Efficiency
Scientists fabricated a solar cell that is nearly 50% efficient, setting two world records for efficiency.
Sherp the Ark
Sherp the Ark is an amphibious all-terrain modular vehicle, designed to fit various transport needs, in great distances.
Super-Light Carbon Nanostructure stronger than Diamond
UCI-led team designs carbon nanostructure stronger than diamonds, on the strength-to-density ratio.
Highest-ever resolution images of the Sun from NASA
New stunning images reveal threads of million-degree Plasma woven throughout the Sun’s atmosphere.
SpaceX is sending Astronauts to the Space Station
After nearly a decade, an American rocket is sending astronauts to space, on SpaceX Dragon capsule.
Air pollution across Europe is down 45 per cent during Coronavirus measures
In this new satellite images during Coronavirus quarantine measures, air pollution across Europe is down 45 per cent.
Ferrari 3D prints parts for Coronavirus protection kits
Ferrari 3D prints parts to turn snorkel masks into Covid-19 protection kits.
Most Earth-like Exoplanet discovered
The most Earth-like exoplanet discovered, 300 light-years away, orbiting in the habitable zone of its star., hidden in early NASA Kepler data.
Space Station as it passes across the face of the Sun
An astrophotographer captured the International Space Station from Earth, as it passes across the face of the Sun.