High-precision map of Antarctic ice sheet bed topography
What lies beneath? BedMachine: Scientists create a high-precision map of Antarctic ice sheet bed topography.
NASA’s X-59 Quiet Supersonic Aircraft in Final Assembly
NASA’s X-59 quiet supersonic (QueSST) test aircraft passed its final development milestone and is cleared for final assembly.
Bandit9 EVE LUX motorcycle
Bandit9 EVE LUX motorcycle exclusively designed for luxury house, Lane Crawford Hong Kong, stands alongside the world’s most iconic brands from Alexander McQueen to
The return to shore of the first Plastic Catch
Ocean Cleanup mission one completed by returning to shore the first plastic catch.
NASA releases Treasure Map for Water Ice on Mars
NASA releases treasure map with ‘water ice’ just below the surface of Mars, for future astronauts.
Massive Cyclones on Jupiter form a giant Hexagon
Six cyclones can be seen at Jupiter’s south pole in this infrared image taken by NASA’s Juno spacecraft.
Porsche and Lucasfilm present ‘Star Wars’ spaceship
Porsche and Lucasfilm unveiled a new Star Wars themed spaceship, called the Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter.
Exolung Underwater Breathing Device
Exolung is a new and unique approach to shallow water diving breathing system, for recreational and utility purposes.
Luxury Yacht that turns into a Submarine
Carapace 256 feet submarine/ luxury superyacht concept can submerge to a depth of 985 feet for up to 10 days.
The insane aerodynamics of Gordon Murray T.50 supercar
Gordon Murray Automotive partners with Racing Point Formula One team to ensure T.50 supercar has most advanced aerodynamics ever.