Lazzarini F33 Spaziale Yacht
Lazzarini F33 Spaziale Yacht is a pod-like vessel that can travel above the water via foils.
Most massive Black Hole discovered
Astronomers discover the most massive black hole in the nearby universe, with amazing 40 billion solar masses.
An Antidote to Dissatisfaction
Everybody is familiar with the feeling that things are not as they should be. That you are not successful enough, your relationships not satisfying enough.
Dramatic Details of Galaxy NGC 5468
In this stunning image, Hubble Space Telescope spots Galaxy’s NGC 5468 dramatic details.
GalaXsea project
GalaXsea project, the first space solar sail boat concept, a place to go in mid-way from the Earth and the Stars.
Controlling attention with your Brain waves
Having trouble paying attention? Scientists may have a solution for you: Turn down your alpha brain waves.
McLaren Hybrid Tech to create world’s quickest car
McLaren’s 2021 hybrid supercar will go from 0-to-60 MPH in just 2.3 seconds, becoming the world’s quickest car.
Surprising new Details about our Sun
The Sun is revealing itself in dramatic detail and shedding light on how other stars may form and behave throughout the universe – all thanks
65m Project Orca explorer superyacht
Italian yard Rosetti Superyachts unveiled the 65-metre explorer superyacht Project Orca.
The BolaWrap new Police gadget
LA police to use ‘Batman-style’ BolaWrap device to grab suspects.