Humans in Suspended Animation for the first time
Researchers have put humans into a state of suspended animation for the first time, to buy more time for seriously injured patients’ surgeons.
Zero-G F1 Pit Stop
Aston Martin Red Bull Racing’s zero gravity pit stop. Taking an F1 Pit Stop to a whole new level.
Rocket Man launches from Royal Navy aircraft carrier
A real-life rocket man wearing a jet pack launched from the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth on a demonstration flight today.
Ballistically-Launched foldable Drone
In this video NASA’s truck-mounted cannon launch foldable drones from a moving vehicle at 50mph.
Tesla Cybertruck
Elon Musk unveiled the futuristic Tesla Cybertruck, created with an exterior shell made from stainless-steel, for ultimate durability and passenger protection.
Insect-Like Life on Mars discovered
Ohio entomologist claims to have discovered evidence of insect-like life on Mars.
Drones created Giant Airplanes – video
An army of 800 illuminated drones created giant airplanes, during the opening ceremony for China’s 2019 Nanchang Flight Convention.
More Evidence of a New Force of Nature
Researchers said they’ve found more evidence of a New Force of nature, that will help us reveal the mystery of dark matter.
Earth’s Magnetic Song recorded for the first time
Scientists recorded Earth’s magnetic song for the first time during a solar storm.
Bloodhound smashed 600mph target speed
Bloodhound LSR completed high speed testing with V Max 628mph / 1010kmh in just 50 seconds.