Amateur Astronomer caught the First-Ever Photo of an Exploding Star
Amateur Astronomer in Argentina captured for the first time the initial burst of light from the explosion of a massive star.
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Amateur Astronomer in Argentina captured for the first time the initial burst of light from the explosion of a massive star.
This video is about how efficient various reactions are at converting mass to energy, as we know from the Einstein mass-energy equivalence of E=mc^2.
A student satellite solved a 60-year-old major space mystery, regarding the source of some energetic and potentially damaging particles in Earth’s radiation belts.
No one is completely sure where did the gold originate. The relative average abundance in our Solar System appears higher than can be made in the early
Five are the worst known Mass Extinctions. Take a look at the infographic…
A new study reveals that half of matter around us comes from far-away galaxies.
Spinning gigantic black hole swallowing star explains superluminous event.
Novae is a movie about an astronomical event that occurs during the last evolutionary stages of a massive star’s life. Watch the amazing stages of one of
30 million years from now, a massive cloud of gas will collide with the Milky Way.
SpaceX’ Falcon 9 rocket exploded in the launching ramp at Cape Canaveral.