Extraterrestrial origin of Fast Radio Burst confirmed
In this artist’s impression three bright red flashes depicting Fast Radio Bursts, far beyond the Milky Way, above the Mongolo radio telescope in Australia.
Graphene membrane turns Seawater into Drinking Water
Scientists have developed a graphene-based membrane that can filter out very small salt ions to purify water.
To Catch a Liar, watch their Eyes
To catch a liar, watch their eyes. You can’t hide your lying eyes…
Russia’s most powerful submarine ever
Russia launches its most powerful Kazan nuclear submarine ever, in Severodvinsk.
Beijing New Airport Terminal Building
Zaha Hadid just unveiled plans for “world’s largest airport passenger terminal,” in Beijing.
Jaguar E-Type Reborn
The Jaguar Classic campaign to preserve the history of the brand, to offer 10 ‘reborn’ E-Types.
World’s largest Solar Energy Storage Farm in Australia
Construction in the world’s largest solar energy storage farm, will soon be underway, in Australia.
How Life in 1917 Compares to 2017
Here’s how life in 1917 compares to today. Can you imagine where we’ll be 100 years from now?
World’s Largest Seed Collection in the Arctic
World’s largest security storage for seeds, is located underground on a remote island in the Arctic Circle.
The unique Mosquito Flight
Instantaneous streamlines show the airflow around a mosquito in flight…