European Car Makers planning Quick-Charge Station network
European car makers planning quick-charge station network. Driving across the Continent in an all-electric car will be much more convenient.
Gigantic Solar Farm in Africa could be Powering Europe
A gigantic solar farm in a Moroccan desert, in Africa, could be powering Europe.
Helicopter Ship Landing in a massive Storm
Watch this helicopter landing on a ship during a massive storm…
Astonishing South Atlantic Sunset
An astronaut aboard the International Space Station, photographed a sunset that looks like a vast sheet of flame.
Crazy Bike balancing 200m high up
Balancing a bike on one of the highest dams in Europe, the Koelnbreinsperre in Austria, that has 200m of height.
Aerodynamic Mazda Vision Granturismo
The futuristic Mazda Vision Granturismo offers an extreme aerodynamic low profile.
Earth’s History plays out on a Football Field
We use the yard lines to map out Earth’s past and humanity’s tiny moment in it.
Machines soon will be controlled by your Thought
Can you imagine a world where machines can be controlled by thought alone?
Project Blue Space Telescope to find another Earth
Project Blue, a mission to build and launch a telescope, to photograph Earth-like planets, around our nearest star system, Alpha Centauri.
Diamonds turning Nuclear Waste into Batteries
‘Diamond-age’ of power generation as nuclear batteries developed from nuclear waste.