New World Record for Fastest Internet
A team of UCL engineers achieved the world’s fastest data transmission rate, reaching an internet speed a fifth faster than the previous record.
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A team of UCL engineers achieved the world’s fastest data transmission rate, reaching an internet speed a fifth faster than the previous record.
A small but evolving dent in Earth’s magnetic field can cause big headaches for satellites.
An exploding star (supernova) about 65 light-years away may have caused mass extinction on Earth, 359 million years ago.
Scientists estimate that after ∼350 years the number of bits produced will exceed the number of all atoms on Earth.
Breakthrough technology transform brackish water and seawater into safe, using the power of sunlight.
Scientists have developed a new type of laser beam that doesn’t follow long-held principles about how light refracts and travels.
Research challenges centuries-old assumption. Scientists now find out how human sperm really swim.
A ‘no-touch touchscreen’ developed for use in cars could also have widespread applications in a post-COVID-19 world, by reducing the risk of transmission of pathogens on surfaces.
Engineers design a reusable, silicone rubber face mask, including an N95 filter, can be easily sterilized and worn many times.
Scientists have developed a hybrid solar energy converter that generates electricity and steam with high efficiency and low cost.