Growing Perfect Human Blood Vessels in a Lab
Scientists, for the first time, have managed to grow perfect human blood vessels as organoids in a petri dish.
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Scientists, for the first time, have managed to grow perfect human blood vessels as organoids in a petri dish.
An innovative combination therapy can force malignant breast cancer cells to turn into fat cells.
Scientists seeking to bring the fusion reaction that powers the sun and stars to Earth must keep the superhot plasma free from disruptions.
Scientists have devised a new model for the Universe, that may solve the enigma of dark energy.
Boeing in collaboration with NASA, is studying the Transonic Truss-Braced Wing concept, designed to be more aerodynamic and fuel efficient, as part of the Subsonic Ultra Green
This new invention by Australian scientists could mark the end of skin cancer!
Safety testing of a pioneering ultrasound technique that could delay the effects of dementia will begin in Brisbane late next year.
More than 85 well-preserved dinosaur footprints – made by at least seven different species – have been uncovered in East Sussex.
Scientists invented a method to shrink objects to the nanoscale, producing 3-D structures one thousandth the size of the originals.
Buddy, the smart Life-Collar keeps the head of its wearer above the surface when inflated.