Peculiar Tiny Arachnid with a Black Bunny Head
Take a look in the video this peculiar tiny arachnid with a black bunny head.
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Take a look in the video this peculiar tiny arachnid with a black bunny head.
Elon Musk just releases video of Boring Company’s first tunnel, as the first part of the network called ‘Loop’ under Los Angeles.
Good news for humanity! Thanks to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, Ozone layer will be completely healed by the 2060s.
Ice VII exotic form of ice, can grow so rapidly, that in right conditions, could freeze an ocean-world in just a few hours.
Polestar evaluates strength of carbon fibre body, in successful first crash test. Watch the video.
NASA has announced tests for its X-59 QueSST Quiet Supersonic Transport jet, the ‘son of Concorde.’
The BMW Vision iNEXT that will be all-electric, highly automated, fully connected and ultimately human, is an optimistic vision that merges all the key technologies for future
Watch in the video U.S. Army pilots flying the autonomous Sikorsky Helicopter, in first-of-its-kind demonstration.
SpiNNaker powering up world’s largest supercomputer, is a novel computer architecture inspired by the working of the human brain.
Muji has just revealed designs for an autonomous, all weather conditions shuttle bus.