Dark Energy- The Void Filler
Dark Energy: Understanding the fundamentals behind some of the leading theories, as well as how it could determine the fate of the universe.
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Dark Energy: Understanding the fundamentals behind some of the leading theories, as well as how it could determine the fate of the universe.
Scientists measure where and how dark matter structures grow from the early days of the Universe.
A ‘Dark Matter hurricane’ is passing right now over Earth and it’s moving at high speed.
A camera which sees the way sharks do, has reveled that bioluminescence may help sea-dwelling creatures see in darker water depths.
China unveils the unmanned ‘Dark Sword’ fighter jet, that could fly at supersonic speeds.
This featured image highlights one example of how pervasive dark matter might haunt our universe.
The last light before eternal darkness – white dwarfs and black dwarfs. Everything will end. Even the universe…
Bandit9 Dark Side is a sleek, futuristic handmade motorcycle with the heart of a Harley Davidson engine.
Dark Energy Survey reveals most accurate measurement of dark matter structure in the universe.
Scientists found the reason why deep-sea corals glow in the dark.