Discovery of a Doomed Planet
This hot jupiter exoplanet is doomed. Hot jupiters are giant planets like Jupiter that orbit much closer to their parent stars than Mercury does to our Sun.
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This hot jupiter exoplanet is doomed. Hot jupiters are giant planets like Jupiter that orbit much closer to their parent stars than Mercury does to our Sun.
DARPA is developing a nuclear thermal rocket to transfer satellites from low Earth orbit to the area between the Earth and the Moon.
This video is about the Milankovitch cycles which are only one of many factors influencing climate, like the CO2.
Istituto Europeo di Design to unveil at the Geneva International Motor Show ‘Tracy’ six-seater concept electric vehicle, created by the students of IED Torino’s Master course in
NASA wants your help designing a Venus rover, like this one possible wind-powered conceptual vehicle.
Otago scientists using optical tweezers grab three individual atoms and observe three-body collisions, in ground-breaking experiment.
A new type of engine called ‘rotating detonation engine,’ promises to make rockets not only more fuel-efficient but also more lightweight and less complicated to construct.
Space Adventures announces collaboration with SpaceX to send private citizens into orbit, on the Crew Dragon spacecraft.
It is the first time that a #JetmanDubai pilot could combine hovering safely at a limited altitude and flying aerobatics at high altitude in the same flight.
Solar powered unmanned Persistent High Altitude Solar Aircraft (PHASA-35®) makes first flight, has the potential to stay airborne for a year.