Exciting developments in the car industry, design and electric powered news.
Erovr transformable folding cart-wagon
The Erovr transformable folding cart-wagon, designed to make our life easier, transports almost everything.
Exciting developments in the car industry, design and electric powered news.
The Erovr transformable folding cart-wagon, designed to make our life easier, transports almost everything.
Rezvani Beast carbon fiber one-of-a-kind supercar, with a powerful engine delivers premium performance.
McLaren-Honda Formula 1 amazing concept, created to visualize what F1 cars could look like with a closed cockpit.
Moto Pogo one wheel self balancing motorcycle, just lean forward to speed up, lean back to slow down.
Torino Design unveiled an Italian styled supercar concept, named ‘Wildtwelve’.
Land Rover is working on a new technology, to drive the car with your smartphone. Watch the video…
argodesign released a series of renderings to show what the Hyperloop capsule interiors, platforms, terminals, would look like.
Loops by a car ignoring gravity in the biggest cage in the world, standing 12 meters tall (39.4 feet).
The BME handcrafted B-9 NH Black Edition bike, made by carbon fibre, has a durable minimalistic design.
SpaceX announced an open competition to design and build the best Hyperloop pod, the idea for a new high-speed ground transport system.