wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
Ozone Hole smallest since 1988
NASA: Earth’s Ozone Hole is the smallest since 1988.
wordlesstech | Nature category, comprises 3 sub categories: Animals, Environment, Natural phenomena.
NASA: Earth’s Ozone Hole is the smallest since 1988.
What Happens to you in the bottom of Mariana Trench, at the deepest place of the ocean?
Watch the spectacular view flying over New Zealand…
If you don’t have much confidence in your swimming skills, this handy guide will help you finally feel in the water like a fish…
Ocean plastic pollution is a massive environmental problem. What can you do to make the oceans plastic-free?
What actually happens to the plastic if we just throw it away?
Thanks to Geoengineering, world’s first negative emissions power plant turns CO2 into stone.
Plastic nanoparticles are more common than we think. A lot of them ends up in our waterways, degrading marine ecosystems.
Some people may believe that the whole earth has been explored by now. There are in fact still places on earth that remain unexplored.
Stunning report shows that 95% of plastic polluting the globe’s oceans, comes from just ten rivers.