Ultimate Guide to Black Holes
Black holes are the most powerful and extreme things in the universe and they are wildly weird and complicated.
Man is Flying on a Giant Drone
“This man is living in 2030.” Is flying on a giant drone, a high-powered one with eight propellers.
Manta giant Plastic-Eating Catamaran
The ‘Manta’ is a giant, plastic-eating catamaran that collects trash, powered by renewable energy.
Spectacular SpaceX’s Crew-2 Launch
Streak and plume from SpaceX’s Crew-2 launch. Indian Harbor Beach, Florida, USA; just south of Cape Canaveral.
Apple AirTags in action
Watch in this video the new Apple AirTags and the new “Precision Finding” in action.
The ‘clearest ever photo of the Sun’
This 230 megapixel image made up from 100,000 pictures, is the ‘clearest ever photo of the Sun.’
Bye Aerospace 8-Seat All-electric eFlyer 800
Bye Aerospace unveils 8-seat eFlyer 800, in response to growing demands for regional all-electric airplanes with significantly reduced operating costs.
World’s ‘most powerful’ Tidal Turbine is ready to power on
The Orbital O2, world’s ‘most powerful’ tidal turbine is ready to power on. It left the Port of Dundee heading for the Orkney Islands.
“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to”
“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to” – NASA astronaut Andrew R. Morgan. Happy Earth Day, readers.
The Earth Day 2021
Earth’s interconnected systems bring our planet’s functions together and tie us together as its inhabitants.