wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
You live here
A gentle reminder. You live here…
wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
A gentle reminder. You live here…
Sagittarius A, the black hole at the center of our galaxy, visualized in virtual reality.
Scientists have found a way to melt gold at room temperature.
We’ve been raised with the belief that death is inevitable, and so during our lives we consider the legacy of what each of us leaves behind.
O – Wind Turbine, a truly-omnidirectional, single-axis wind turbine especially suitable for apartment buildings in urban environments.
A ‘Dark Matter hurricane’ is passing right now over Earth and it’s moving at high speed.
A 31-kilometer-wide large impact crater discovered beneath Hiawatha Glacier in northwest Greenland.
Nicknamed Chinese artificial sun, the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), has achieved over 100 million degrees electron temperature in the core plasma in its four-month-long experiment campaign.
Scientists just discovered the second-closest exoplanet to Earth, orbiting Barnard’s star, one of the closest stars to the Sun.
Existing laser technology could be fashioned into Earth’s “porch light” to attract aliens.