wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
Most detailed Milky Way Survey to date
ESA’s Gaia observatory sees strange stars in most detailed Milky Way survey to date.
wordlesstech | Sciences category, has 4 sub categories: Astronomy, Discoveries, Green Energy and Physics.
ESA’s Gaia observatory sees strange stars in most detailed Milky Way survey to date.
Nuclear Fusion has potential beyond what you can imagine. It can offer practically infinite energy with zero carbon emissions if it can be recreated on Earth.
Astronomers think there should be 5 times as much dark matter as ordinary matter – a shadow universe that makes up most of its mass.
Mind-boggling “Expanding hole” optical illusion makes 86% of People feel like they’re falling into a black hole.
5 largest Nuclear tests caught on camera.
How many Multiverses are there?
Perovskite solar cells might revolutionize how humans generate energy from sunlight.
We’re living longer. Human life expectancy has doubled in just a couple centuries.
Amazing images of the Sun, seen by the Solar Orbiter at closest approach.
Alien civilizations from level 1 to level 7. We are only at level 0.72.