Quantum entanglement will lead to a super-secure Internet
Delft scientists make first ‘on demand’ entanglement link, that could lead to a super-secure internet.
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Delft scientists make first ‘on demand’ entanglement link, that could lead to a super-secure internet.
Wireless smart-home system, uses Artificial Intelligence to sense people through walls.
Work begins on new SLAC facility, that could make particle accelerators 1,000 times smaller.
Could alien civilizations predict the fate of our planet? As population grows, it uses more and more of its planet’s resources…
Scientists accidentally discovered Quark Fusion, could it be the future of energy?
French scientists have constructed world’s smallest house, that you can put 50 of them on a pinhead.
Astronomers discovered a record-breaking star forming, only 250 million years after the Big Bang.
Each and every day NASA’s SDO observes our Sun and relays observational data to scientists, in an effort to understand the causes of solar variability and its
A Multiverse – where our Universe is only one of many – if it exists, might not be as inhospitable to life as previously thought.
Shaped like a birdhouse, this low-cost device could help provide drinking water to people affected by natural disasters.