New Periodic Table sorts 3,700 Exoplanets
New periodic table sorts 3,700 discovered exoplanets into eighteen categories.
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New periodic table sorts 3,700 discovered exoplanets into eighteen categories.
Robots could radically change the way farmers harvest fields in the near future.
Mojave Forsaken – a timelapse journey through ghost towns of the Mojave Desert and the magnificent night skies there.
MIT students and postdocs wins an international competition focused on building sustainable cities for Mars.
NASA: Earth’s Ozone Hole is the smallest since 1988.
Podbike is an e-bike with four wheels, a human powered vehicle with electric assist.
Advanced space engine Ion thruster has broken the records for operating current, power and thrust.
EAU concept electric luxury yacht aims to push simplicity and refinement to its limit.
The Antikythera shipwreck holds more secrets, a discovery that keeps on giving.
Mining corporation Rio Tinto has successfully completed the first fully autonomous rail journey at its iron ore operations, making it world’s first fully unmanned train.