The Farm of the Future uses 95% Less Water
As our populations continue to rise, scientists are looking beyond traditional farming, as a way to feed everyone and leave less impact on our land and water
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As our populations continue to rise, scientists are looking beyond traditional farming, as a way to feed everyone and leave less impact on our land and water
Hubble captures brilliant star death in “Rotten Egg” nebula
The Monte Rosa Hut is a multi-story shelter, in an isolated mountain location, in Zermatt.
An exceptional panoramic skyscape filled with stars, clusters, and nebulae along the southern Milky Way including the Large and Small Magellanic clouds. Credit Yuri Beletsky
The Milky Way galaxy is currently not only being pulled, but also pushed, by a newly discovered Dipole Repeller, at roughly 2 million km/h (630 km per
Energy Observer is the first hydrogen ship around the world.
Icaros revolutionizes the way people workout play, combining fascinating virtual reality experiences with exercise.
A plane just before crossing the young Moon. A unique moment, captured by Tamas Ladanyi.
The futuristic all-electric Tesla Yacht Model Y, uses solar panels to harness the sun’s energy.
An elongated coronal hole rotated across the face of the sun this past week so that it is now streaming solar wind towards Earth (Jan. 2-5, 2017).