Huge Subterranean Lake of Water on Mars discovered
Radar evidence of subglacial liquid water at the base of the Martian southern polar cap.
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Radar evidence of subglacial liquid water at the base of the Martian southern polar cap.
Did you ever wonder what happened if you detonated a nuclear bomb in the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world’s oceans?
Watch how to create wood ash cement from scratch…
This remarkable video footage gives us the rare opportunity to document a predation event in the deep sea…
The the Airbus Beluga XL a truly outstanding piece of technology from nose to tail, takes its maiden flight.
NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has clocked more than a decade of service at the Red Planet and has yielded scientific discoveries and magnificent views of a distant
Scientists has just created a high-definition 3D picture of the brain of a fruit fly.
Are electric planes possible? How long it will take before an Airliner fly using electric motors and batteries?
The mysterious 6-inch skeleton found in Chile’s Atacama Desert more than a decade ago, has perplexed scientists.
Take a look how Sweden actually turns its garbage into energy.