Astro Elroy sleek Passenger Drone
As one of the world’s first fully functional autonomous aerial vehicles, Elroy is sleek, simple and environmentally efficient.
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As one of the world’s first fully functional autonomous aerial vehicles, Elroy is sleek, simple and environmentally efficient.
Good news for humanity! Thanks to the 1987 Montreal Protocol, Ozone layer will be completely healed by the 2060s.
Polestar evaluates strength of carbon fibre body, in successful first crash test. Watch the video.
If the Earth was shrunk down to the size of a tennis ball, how big would the universe be?
Scientists found the presence of microplastics from different plastic types in our stools, across the globe.
World’s first 3D-printed steel bridge is completed and will be installed across a canal in Amsterdam.
This glittering Star Cluster is the globular cluster NGC 1898, which lies toward the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
OnSight is mixed-reality software that allows scientists and engineers to virtually walk and meet on Mars.
Tasmania’s ‘lost ocean world,’ a new chain of volcanic towers 1.9 miles high (3000m), just discovered.
A study found that after the process of thousands of faces we meet in our social environments, we can recognize 5,000 faces.