Human Beings- Casually explained
Human beings, casually explained.
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Human beings, casually explained.
World’s fastest camera freezes time at 10 trillion frames per second, show beams of light in slow motion.
Sometimes, the surface of our Sun seems to dance…
Tasmania’s ‘lost ocean world,’ a new chain of volcanic towers 1.9 miles high (3000m), just discovered.
A study found that after the process of thousands of faces we meet in our social environments, we can recognize 5,000 faces.
A Bang & Olufsen special edition speaker collection unveiled, with artwork by director, screenwriter, actor, artist and musician David Lynch.
Created by ex-Tesla and ex-BMW engineers, UrmO is an ultra-light, foldable urban electric scooter.
Two days before Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the NASA-Japan Global Precipitation Measurement Core Observatory satellite captured a 3-D view of the storm.
The futuristic MINI Arc Project offers an interactive holographic display and transparent roof.
Samotracia Copper Motorbike represents a reflection on the aesthetics of movement.