New device produces Water from Desert air
Scientists developed system could provide drinking water even from desert’s air.
Scientists developed system could provide drinking water even from desert’s air.
Using a specially designed form of graphene, scientists have supercharged water purification, making it simpler, more effective and quicker.
If you don’t have much confidence in your swimming skills, this handy guide will help you finally feel in the water like a fish…
Fire ants swarm created floating rafts to survive the rising water by Harvey.
New research suggest that substantial amounts of water are trapped in ancient volcanic deposits on the moon.
Researchers have discovered that water exists in two liquid forms, one more viscous than the other.
Who comes to drink? Take a look at this video from a hidden camera in bucket of water…
In this primitive technology video watch how to build an impressive water powered hammer…
Take a look at this beautiful video of ink in water, shot in macro photography.
Ooho! is a sustainable packaging made from a seaweed extract, alternative to plastic bottles and cups.