Animation of the Black Hole’s precessing jets
Impressive animation of the black hole’s precessing jets and accretion in V404 Cygni.
Impressive animation of the black hole’s precessing jets and accretion in V404 Cygni.
We have just seen the first image of a black hole. But what is that image really showing us?
Take a look at this stunning image comparison by Randall Munroe, of our Solar System and the new image of the M87 Black Hole, to appreciate how
NASA just reveled in a historic feat the first ever Black Hole image captured.
First observation of torus surrounding the supermassive black hole at the core of powerful Radio Galaxy.
To honor the life of professor Stephen Hawking, is celebrated with a black hole on a 2019 UK 50p coin.
In this video HESS Telescopes, the enormous swiveling eyes that explore the high-energy sky.
Watch the spiraling supermassive Black Holes, in this amazing simulation.
Sagittarius A, the black hole at the center of our galaxy, visualized in virtual reality.
Parallel jets provide astronomers with some of the most powerful evidence that a supermassive black hole lurks in the heart of most galaxies.