We are consuming 73% more natural resources than the Earth produces in 1 year
Humans are using 73% more natural resources than the Earth produces in a year.
Humans are using 73% more natural resources than the Earth produces in a year.
“An Earth in crisis is still an Earth worth returning to” – NASA astronaut Andrew R. Morgan. Happy Earth Day, readers.
Earth’s interconnected systems bring our planet’s functions together and tie us together as its inhabitants.
See humanity’s impact on the Earth through a global time-lapse video of the planet since 1984.
Enormous pieces of alien planet are buried inside Earth, after a gigantic crash, ‘millions of times larger than Mount Everest.’
A new study suggests that lightning created an essential element available to organisms in habitable environments, on Earth and elsewhere.
Earth’s magnetic field flipped 42,000 years ago, creating dramatic consequences.
Take a look at this video the Earth’s plate tectonic evolution from 1 billion years ago to the present.
The Earth is really, really old. Over 4 1/2 billion years old, in fact. Watch to see where Earth’s major events would fall on a timeline stretching
What if Earth got kicked out of the Solar System? Rogue Earth…