Converting Wi-Fi signals to electricity
Scientists invent a two-dimensional flexible device that converts Wi-Fi signals into electricity.
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Scientists invent a two-dimensional flexible device that converts Wi-Fi signals into electricity.
Wi-fiber developed the smart streetlights technology that smart cities need today and will need in the future.
A new type of Li-Fi reached 40 Gbps, 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
The new Li-Fi technology uses the light frequencies generated by LED bulbs, allows speeds that are 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
New York City is replacing old payphones with free Wi-Fi hot spots, announced as the world’s biggest and fastest municipal internet network.
The new Unitree Go2-W robodog comes with 4 wheels, enabling it to move easily over any terrain like a four-wheel-drive vehicle.
Moon Mark organizes high school students from around the world who will compete in 2021 to design, build, land, and race two vehicles on the Moon.
Skai hydrogen-powered eVTOL air taxi has an amazing 400-mile range.
A box similar to a Wi-Fi router, in your home, will soon track all kinds of physiological signals as you move from around: breathing, heart rate, sleep
Samsung launches Star Wars limited edition of POWERbot robot vacuum.